Autodesk Learning Pathways

Pursue the path that’s right for you. Autodesk Learning Pathways offer self-paced, modular courses designed for a range of skill levels, roles, and career ambitions. Begin—or continue—the learning journey that’s right for you, at your own pace, on your own time.

Architecture, engineering, and construction

Explore Learning Pathways developed specifically for architects, engineers, and construction professionals. Our skill-builder and certification prep courses teach you industry-relevant skills and put you on a path to certification.

Man and woman discussing architectural model on table
Man in black shirt, safety glasses, and gloves studies a computer on a workbench

Product design and manufacturing

Discover Learning Pathways created for product design and manufacturing professionals. Our skill-builder and certification prep courses teach you industry-relevant skills and put you on a path to certification.

Woman in gray shirt studying computer screen

Courses for your learning journey

Whether you want to validate the skills you have or gain the skills you need, we have the course for you. Designed by industry professionals and Autodesk experts, our on-demand, self-paced skill-builder or certification preparation courses help you begin—or continue—your learning journey.

Skill-builder courses

Purpose-built to align to your career and certification goals, skill-builder courses deepen your knowledge and broaden your skill set with hands-on learning, lessons, practice exercises, and more.

Certification prep courses

Target your study time and practice for your certification exam with a series of challenge assignments and assessments that review the skills and information in the certification exam.

Man in blue shirt and safety glasses surrounded by ductwork, holds machined board

Learn, test, and share your skills

Whether you’re taking your first step or your next step, our on-demand courses let you learn, practice, and test your skills along the way, at your own pace.

Enjoy unlimited access to free skill-builder and certification prep courses at all levels so you can keep learning, doing, and innovating on the job—and at the edge of your industry.

“It's important to maintain a certification in our industry to show the abilities we have with the software and to set a global, objective standard of skills. A certification is important for me to benchmark and keep my skills competitive with my peers. [I use it] to set a standard and challenge myself. I typically get recertified on Revit for architectural design every year.”

Richard Binning, Director, BIM Technology, Nelson Worldwider

Take the next step on your learning journey!

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