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Introducing the Premium plan

Autodesk is launching a Premium plan, designed to help medium- to large-sized businesses that manage 50 or more subscriptions operate more efficiently. An upgrade to Premium offers companies additional administrative, security, and reporting benefits—based on customer feedback describing which features you wanted to see most.

Upgrading to Premium

Premium plan benefits

Additional benefits for medium to large businesses with 50 subscriptions or more

Single sign-on (SSO)

SSO provides added security with a one-time sign-on for all Autodesk software products.

24/7 support

Live support is available any time, including nights and weekends, for questions or help with technical issues.

Product usage reporting with user details

View and export more detailed usage by user to provide insight into usage trends and to identify power-users (who can then share product knowledge and best-in-class workflows with others).


Standard plan benefits

Top benefits for individual users and small businesses with subscriptions

2-step verification

Users sign in with both an Autodesk password and a security code that is sent to a phone.

8–5 live support

Live support is available during local business hours, allowing users to connect with an Autodesk support specialist.

Product usage reporting

Receive usage reports by frequency, version, and product, to provide informed purchasing decisions, avoid version conflicts, and ensure teams are efficiently using the software.

Please contact your Autodesk service representative about our Enterprise Business Agreement

Feature comparison: Standard vs. Premium plans

Watch this explanation of the benefits you’ll receive when upgrading to a Premium plan.

RPS Group: A Premium plan case study

Customers are already discovering the benefits of upgrading to a Premium plan. “User management is far simpler.

Now we can actually see exactly who’s using what, where, how long they’re using it for, and exactly how much it’s costing the business.”

– Darren Pickford, Service Delivery Manager, RPS Group

Is Premium right for you?

Is a Premium plan right for your organization?
Here are a few questions to help you decide:

  • Are you frequently adding new users, but would like to save time by not having to manually create and assign access?
  • Would you like 24/7 support and faster response times?
  • Are you needing the additional security features of SSO?
  • Do you have employees or contractors based globally that you would like to purchase centrally for?
  • Is it difficult to optimize subscription licensing because you don’t know which users need product access?

If you’d like more flexibility, increased security, and easier user management for 50 or more subscriptions*, then maybe it’s time to upgrade to a Premium plan.

To upgrade to Premium, work directly with your reseller or Autodesk representative.

*With available 2-for-1 trade-in offers for named user, many customers will be doubling their subscription seats, so Premium may be a viable option.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Here are some common questions about the Premium plan. Please use the contact form below for additional questions.

How much does the Premium plan cost?

All product subscriptions include the Standard plan and are offered at local pricing for your region.

Upgrading to an annual Premium plan is approximately an additional US$300 SRP per eligible product subscription per year.

We also offer a 10% discount on a 3-year Standard or Premium plan.

For Enterprise pricing, please contact your Autodesk representative directly.

What’s the minimum number of subscriptions required for each plan?

The Standard plan has no minimum requirement; all product subscriptions automatically include Standard features and services. Upgrade to the Premium plan if you have at least 50 subscriptions on Premium eligible products.

Which products are eligible for the Premium plan?

See the list of eligible products here. We are actively working on including other Autodesk products in the Premium plan.

When can I upgrade my plan to Premium?

If you are on the Standard plan and want to upgrade to Premium, you can do so anytime or at your subscription renewal.

Can I downgrade later?

Premium plan subscriptions are prepaid, 1-year or 3-year plans. At the end of your annual or 3-year term, you can choose to renew your Premium plan or downgrade back to Standard, at which point you will lose access to the Premium benefits.

How can I purchase a Premium plan?

Any product subscription you purchase online, through your reseller, or through your Autodesk representative will include the Standard plan. To upgrade to Premium, work directly with your Autodesk reseller or representative or contact us below.

Ready for Premium?

Contact your reseller for more information or simply fill out the form, and one of our sales experts will contact you.

Thank you for your interest. A sales representative will contact you soon.


Find the best path to named user with trade-in offers upon your next renewal date. Visit our site to find out why we’re making the transition and how your company will benefit.