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Introduction to Generative Design

Introduction to Generative Design

Get the recording and explore additional content—including Q&A from the live session, featured products, and next steps.


  • Lars Christensen

    Technical Evangelist, Product Design & Manufacturing, Autodesk

  • Jim Byrne

    Product Marketing Manager, Design & Manufacturing

See why the world's most innovative companies are using generative design

Generative design is a design exploration process that allows you to generate multiple, manufacturing-ready design alternatives. By setting design requirements, materials, and manufacturing processes, you can solve complex design and engineering challenges in hours—not days or weeks.

Generative design technology is now available to any user of the Product Design & Manufacturing Collection—watch this webinar and learn how you can:

  • Define the manufacturing, performance, and geometric constraints aligned to the requirements of the design
  • Generate multiple, production-ready variants and explore outcomes to evaluate tradeoffs in materials, performance, and production processes
  • Export CAD-ready geometry from generative design, make any necessary modifications and insert the final model into your assembly