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See how the Electrical toolset provided up to 95% overall productivity gain* compared with basic AutoCAD, when these tasks were performed by an experienced AutoCAD user.

Image courtesy of Lorem ipsum

In this productivity study, you will see how the Electrical toolset saves time through features including:

  • A simple icon-menu-driven system which includes over 2,000 standards-based schematic symbols.
  • Placing sequential or reference-based numbers on wires and components based on the chosen configuration with automatic ID tag generation.
  • Setting up parent/child relations between electrical component symbols.
  • Commands specifically designed for electrical schematic drawings.

Download the productivity study

Fill out the short form to download the AutoCAD Electrical productivity study to see how you can save time when performing tasks commonly used by electrical engineers

About the study

Autodesk commissioned a study that compared basic AutoCAD to the Electrical toolset when performing tasks commonly used by electrical engineers.

Results showed that the Electrical toolset provided up to 95% overall productivity gain* compared with basic AutoCAD, when these tasks were performed by an experienced AutoCAD user.