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Embedded CAM software for SOLIDWORKS®

Available only with a Fusion 360 subscription


What is HSMWorks software?

HSMWorks overview video (1:50 min.)

Design and generate CAM toolpaths without the hassle of changing software. Reduce cycle time and rework with CAD-embedded 2.5- to 5-axis milling, turning, and mill-turn capabilities. HSMWorks is included with your Fusion 360 subscription.

Mill and drill with 2.5-axis CAM

HSMXpress for CNC milling

Autodesk HSMXpress is a free SOLIDWORKS plug-in for basic milling, including 2D roughing and pocketing, drilling, facing, contouring, and more.

HSMWorks features

  • Integrated CAD/CAM

    Work in a familiar interface connected to powerful design tools, thanks to full integration with SOLIDWORKS. (video: 55 sec.)

  • 2.5 and 3-axis milling

    Maximize productivity with a full suite of 2.5 and 3-axis milling strategies. (video: 1:25 min.)

  • 3+2 and simultaneous 5-axis

    Shorten the time it takes to set-up machines and tighten feature tolerances with simple-to-use multi-axis programming. (video: 1:59 min.)

Additional features

  • Machine simulation

    Preview the motion of your machine tool with simulation that includes the spindle, fixtures, and machine components.

  • Turning and mill-turn

    Quickly program turning operations from simple 2-axis to mill-turn strategies with a consistent workflow.

  • AnyCAD connectivity

    Unlock access to advanced design tools by associatively connecting your SOLIDWORKS files to Fusion 360.

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