Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro: Create, collaborate, and stay up to date




Savings of 36% compared to monthly price
3 year
€ 3.915
Pay annually
1 year
€ 1.307
Most popular
1 month
€ 170
€ 1.307/year for 1 user(includes estimated VAT)

Credit and debit cards, PayPal, iDEAL, and direct debit (SEPA) accepted.

Why use Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro?

Centralize data

Remove fragmented workspaces and connect teams with a central source of truth.

See the full picture

Securely manage project data, track progress, and deliver on time.

Change the way you collaborate

Use model visuals, flexible workflows, automated analysis tools, and more.

Explore what you can do with Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro

Co-author, collaborate, and coordinate with BIM Collaborate Pro

Civil 3D + BIM Collaborate Pro overview (video: 3:26 min.)

Centralize Civil 3D files in one location

Collaborate securely, anytime and anywhere. Centralize Civil 3D files in one location to keep teams on the same page and visualize design changes to see their impact.

Revit + BIM Collaborate Pro overview (video: 2:14 min.)

Simplify Revit co-authoring using secure connections

Collaborate in Revit with anyone, anywhere securely in the cloud, and visualize an aggregated project model in your browser. Sync changes in real time and publish when ready.

Plant 3D + BIM Collaborate Pro overview (video: 1:58 min.)

Enhance collaboration for AutoCAD Plant 3D users

Enable teams can access the right data, optimize review processes, gain insights into project progress, and use model coordination and clash detection tools.”

Explore essential workflows for BIM Collaborate Pro

Design collaboration

Manage multidiscipline teams and data using project-based workflows in one environment.


Document management

Store, review, and share project documentation in the cloud with useful management features.


Model coordination

Quickly identify and resolve clashes and design errors prior to construction.


Which BIM Collaborate product is right for you?

BIM Collaborate

For teams that review design work, give feedback, and coordinate models.


BIM Collaborate Pro

For teams that need to co-author in Revit, Civil 3D, or Plant 3D and manage data exchange.


BIM Collaborate Pro resources


Quick-start guide

Expedite your understanding of BIM Collaborate Pro functionality and hit the ground running.



BIM and GIS cloud collaboration

Learn how connecting BIM and geographic information systems (GIS) lets you work in context.


Webinar collection: Design collaboration

Discover the features and benefits of BIM Collaborate Pro in this design collaboration webinar collection.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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