Education Community


The power behind a new look at Skills

Autodesk and WorldSkills International support the goal of helping students develop high standards of competence and workplace skills.

What is WorldSkills?

The WorldSkills competition is the biggest vocational education and skills event in the world. Participants are selected from competitions held in over 70 WorldSkills’ member countries and regions and represent the best of their peers in more than 45 skills.

Competitors in Mechanical Engineering Skill 05 use Inventor® 3D CAD software to develop the parts, assemblies, animations, and drawings of the design as it would be done in a commercial engineering department. Autodesk provides competitors and mentors free* software and learning materials.

Resources for WorldSkills

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Confirm your eligibility to receive a year of access to Autodesk technology and renew annually for as long as you are eligible.

WorldSkills events

Check out the WorldSkills events near you and join a WorldSkills competition.