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Progressive failure analysis simulation tool


What is Helius PFA?

Helius PFA overview video (2:55 min.)

Gain deeper insights into virtual prototyping with Helius PFA, progressive failure analysis software that predicts failure stages of composite materials. Helius PFA enables you to integrate composite and elastomeric material properties into your finite element analysis (FEA) program.

Helius PFA features

  • Import Moldflow results

    Transfer as-manufactured data for more accurate simulation. (video: 1:37 min.)

  • Material nonlinearity and progressive failure

    Analyze the progression of composite failure. (video: 1:45 min.)

  • Direct FEA integration

    Enhance existing Abaqus, ANSYS, or NASTRAN FEA. (video: 3:04 min.)

  • Multiple analysis types

    Perform static, explicit, and fatigue analyses.

  • Advanced composite analysis

    Simulate 3D weld line, compression response, progressive failure, delamination, and other analyses.

  • Easier material exchange

    Interface with Moldflow and Inventor Nastran software, as well as third-party FEA systems.

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