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Support Benefits Terms for Enterprise Priority Support

0. Enterprise Priority Support Definitions.

Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined in these Enterprise Priority Support Benefits Terms shall have the meaning assigned to them in Your Autodesk Support Agreement.

“After Hours”: periods during Weekends and Holidays.

“Around the Clock”: 24 hours per day, 7 days per week (Monday through Sunday), including all After Hours periods, on a worldwide basis.

“Customer Success Plan”: a jointly developed, documented set of activities that are intended to help the customer achieve desired business outcomes through maximizing effective use of Autodesk products and services.

“Customer Escalation Manager”: an individual designated by Your Contract Manager who will (i) be responsible for validating that all Support Requests submitted by Support Users as Severity 1 Incidents satisfy the Severity Level definition for Severity 1 – Critical, and (ii) act as Your single point of contact for communications with the CSM. You must ensure that each Customer Escalation Manager designated by Your Contract Manager understands the Severity Level definitions and is familiar with the environment in which You operate the Covered Services covered by Enterprise Priority Support.

“Customer Success Manager” or “CSM”: an individual assigned to help develop and implement Your Customer Success Plan and act as Your point of contact into Autodesk for Enterprise Priority Support and consulting services-related matters.

“Designated Support Specialist” or “DSS”: an individual assigned to You by Autodesk who is a senior Autodesk technical support specialist, and becomes familiar with Your environment, principal Covered Service or Covered Software, as applicable, (Your “Principal Product”), and Your primary usage of such Principal Product.

“Documentation”: any technical requirements and end-user documentation for the Covered Service or Covered Software made available to You by Autodesk.

“Guidance”: general advice and direction from Autodesk Support personnel or other Autodesk-provided sources assisting with the use of Covered Service features.

“Extended Support Hours”: 24 hours per day, 5 days per week during the applicable Workweek, excluding Holidays.

“Holidays”: periods other than Weekends that fall on Autodesk holidays and other scheduled Autodesk down-time periods in the applicable Autodesk business region.

“Hotfix”: a software fix or patch which, when installed, wholly or partially restores Covered Software to conformance with the applicable Documentation or otherwise reduce or alleviate the adverse effect of the Incident on the Covered Software.

“Incident”: a problem or issue with the operation of Covered Service or Covered Software, as applicable, which may include an interruption in the operation or a reduction in the performance of that Covered Service or Covered Software, or difficulty activating or registering Covered Service or Covered Software, or accessing features.

“Local Business Hours”: the Local Business Hours for each Autodesk business region are set forth in Exhibit A.

“Named Caller”: a Support User designated by You , as applicable, who may to submit telephone Support Requests on Your behalf if You have purchased Advanced Support or Enterprise Priority Support.

“Resolution”: a final disposition of a reported Incident, which may include, but is not limited to, delivery of a Hotfix, Workaround, Guidance or other solution, or if none of the foregoing can be achieved despite commercially reasonable efforts, a determination that no Solution will be delivered for the Incident. An Incident for which either a Solution is provided or a determination that no Solution is possible has been made, is deemed to be “Resolved.”

“Response”: Autodesk’s initial response to an Incident reported by a Named Caller. A Response may be an acknowledgement of receipt of a Support Request or may include substantive information regarding the nature or root cause of the Incident or Guidance related to the Incident.

“Severity Level”: the designation assigned to Incidents escalated to Autodesk pursuant to this Support Agreement. Severity Levels shall be assigned in accordance with the descriptions set forth in the following table:

Incident Severity Level


Severity 1 – Critical

An Incident that involves total failure of the Covered Service or Covered Software to operate, or inability to access the Covered Service or Install or access the Covered Software or to use key features, resulting in unrecoverable key design data loss or complete interruption of a mission critical design project, for which no Workaround exists.

Severity 2 - Urgent

An Incident that involves severe impairment of major Covered Service or Covered Software functionality or inability to access the Covered Service or Covered Software or to use particular features, that will result in long-term impairment of productivity. A Workaround may be available. Note that an Incident which would otherwise qualify as a Severity 1 Incident for which a Workaround exists would be a Severity 2 Incident.

Severity 3 – Standard

An Incident that has a limited or minor adverse effect on Covered Service or Covered Software operation or involves inability to access the Covered Service or Covered Software or to use particular features, in a manner that does not substantially reduce productivity. A Workaround may be available. Severity 3 Incidents also include general usage questions regarding Covered Service or Covered Software and requests for clarification of the meaning of Documentation.

Your Support User will initially set the Severity Level in accordance with the above definitions, when submitting a Support Request. If, in Autodesk’s reasonable opinion, the Severity Level is set improperly, Autodesk may reset the Severity Level to the appropriate level based on the above criteria.

“Status Report”: a communication from Autodesk that provides information regarding the current status of Resolution efforts for a reported Incident. A Status Report may also include Autodesk requests for additional information regarding an Incident.

“Support Request”: Your request for assistance with an Incident, as entered into Autodesk’s Product Support system whether via the web or telephone. Support Requests may also be referred to in Autodesk’s systems and/or by Autodesk technical support personnel as “Cases”.

“Weekends”: periods during the week when businesses are customarily closed in the time zone for the applicable regional Workweek (typically Friday evening to Monday morning in the applicable time zone).

“Workaround”: a technique or information that alleviates the adverse effects of an Incident on the operation of the Covered Service or Covered Software, as applicable, but may not entirely alleviate the adverse effect of the Incident on the Covered Service or Covered Software.

“Workweek”: the applicable Workweek for each Autodesk Business Region are set forth in Exhibit A.

1. Enterprise Priority Support (Forum Support, Web Support and Telephone Support):

A. Expedited Forum Support:

For certain Covered Software and Covered Services, in certain countries or regions, Autodesk product support specialists will monitor product forums and assist with technical support questions. Autodesk will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide a Response to Your Support Requests submitted to a monitored forum within two days during Local Business Hours, provided that You have correctly linked Your Autodesk Account with Your forum account.

B. Enterprise Priority Web Support:

Web Support will be provided to You via Your Support Users during the Available Support Hours set forth in the table in Subsection C, below, except that Web Support may be temporarily unavailable during scheduled system maintenance. All Support Requests for Web Support shall be submitted solely via the Autodesk Subscription Center, following the instructions and procedures stated there. Autodesk will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide Response, Status Reports, Mitigations and Resolutions within the applicable Targets set forth in the table in Subsection C, below. Autodesk’s Web Support related communications will generally be posted to the Autodesk Subscription Center and Your Support User will be notified of the posting of the information by email. Your Support User may also be contacted by email or telephone to facilitate the handling of specific Incidents in Autodesk’s discretion.

C. Enterprise Priority Telephone Support, Support Hours and Response Targets:

If You are entitled to receive Enterprise Priority Support, You may appoint an unlimited number of Named Callers and/or Customer Esclataion managers. Only Named Callers and Customer Escalation Managers may submit Telephone Support Requests. Note that if Autodesk receives a Support Request from a Support User who has not been designated by Your Contract Manager as a Named Caller, Autodesk may designate that Support User as a Named Caller for purposes of handling the Support Request, and if so will notify Your Contract Manager of the designation. Your Contract Manager may modify Named Caller designations as described herein. Enterprise Priority Telephone Support will be provided to Your Named Callers by telephone during the Available Support Hours set forth in the table, below. All Support Requests for Enterprise Priority Telephone Support may be submitted to any regional Autodesk call center, subject to the requirements of Your Autodesk Support Agreement. Autodesk will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide Responses, Status Reports, Mitigations and Resolutions within the target times specified, based on the Severity Level of the Incident, as shown in the table below. Autodesk’s Responses, Status Reports, and the availability of Mitigations or a Resolution will generally be communicated to Your Named Caller by telephone call from a product support specialist or via telephone or e-mail communication from Your CSM. If Autodesk provides a Mitigation, Autodesk will reduce the Severity Level of the Incident to the appropriate level in accordance with the Severity Level description matching the post-Mitigation condition of the Incident, and from that time the Status Reporting and Resolution Targets for the newly assigned Severity Level shall apply.

Incident Severity Level

Available Support Hours

Response Target

Status Reporting Target4

Resolution Target

Severity 1 – Critical1

You may submit Telephone Support Requests Around the Clock. Web Support Requests may be submitted at any time. 2

Within 1 hour from Autodesk’s receipt of Your Support Request3

Hourly during Local Business Hours following Response, until Your Severity 1 Incident is Resolved or Mitigated

Provide either a Mitigation or Resolution within 24 Local Business Hours following Response

Severity 2 - Urgent

You may submit Telephone Support Requests during Extended Support Hours. Web Support Requests may be submitted at any time.2

Within 2 hours during Extended Support Hours from Autodesk’s receipt of Your Support Request

Once per day during Local Business Hours following Response until Your Severity 2 Incident is Resolved or Mitigated

Provide either a Mitigation or Resolution within 5 days during Local Business Hours following Response

Severity 3 – Standard5

You may submit Telephone Support Requests during Extended Support Hours. Web Support Requests may be submitted at any time.2

Within 8 hours during Extended Support Hours from Autodesk’s receipt of Your Support Request

Once per week during Local Business Hours following Response until Your Severity 3 Incident is Resolved or Mitigated

Provide either a Mitigation or Resolution within 30 days during Local Business Hours following Response


1 While Support Users may Submit Support Requests for Severity 1 Incidents, Autodesk will treat such Support Requests as being for a Severity 2 Incident until the Severity 1 status of the Support Request has been validated by either a Customer Escalation Manager or Your CSM. Support Requests for Severity 1 Incidents submitted by a Customer Escalation Manager shall be treated by Autodesk as having Severity 1 status upon receipt.

2 If You wish to receive Enterprise Priority Telephone Support Around the Clock, You must make one or more Named Callers or Customer Escalation Managers available to receive and act on Autodesk support-related communications Around the Clock. Though Web Support Requests may be submitted at any time, Responses to such Web Support Requests will be provided only during Extended Support Hours, irrespective of Severity Level. For Severity 1 Support Requests submitting Support Requests by telephone is recommended.

3 For Severity 1 Support Requests received within 1 hour of the commencement of an After Hours period, the Response Target shall be within 4 hours from Autodesk’s receipt of Your Support Request. In addition, Autodesk will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide a supplemental technical Response within 4 hours after the initial Response.

4 You may work with Your CSM to specify less frequent Status Reporting than the Status Reporting Target shown for the particular Severity Level of Your Incident.

5 You may submit a Support Request for inclusion of new features, enhancements or functionality to Covered Services or Covered Software, as applicable, and the Severity 3 Available Support Hours will apply, provided that Autodesk shall be under no obligation to provide a Response for, Status Reports regarding or to Resolve such Support Requests.

2. Enterprise Priority Support Benefits: During the Term, You are entitled to receive the following Benefits in addition to the Support benefits outlined above.

A. Customer Success Manager:

You are entitled to a designated CSM.

        (i) CSM’s Role

       The CSM’s role is intended to be flexible and adaptable to suit Your specific requirements. Your CSM will jointly develop and maintain the Customer Success Plan with You, establish Your success criteria aligned with Your business goal(s), assist You to realize the value of your Subscriptions and Support entitlements, plan and coordinate strategic services initiatives that drive towards Your specified goal(s), and serve as a single point of escalation for inquiries related to consulting services and Support related matters

       In addition, Your CSM will provide some combination of the following items:

        (a) assist Your understanding and access to Subscription and Enterprise Priority Support benefits and consulting services;

        (b) conduct (periodic) Business reviews of progress against defined business goals and further define strategy for the future;

        (c) provide You with a quarterly report summarizing all Support-related and consulting activities conducted during the preceding quarter;

        (d) at Your request, arrange for a quarterly review (by conference call) of all Support-related and consulting matters addressed during the preceding quarter and/or of any upcoming new projects or changes to existing projects You intend to implement in the coming quarter involving Covered Services or Covered Software;

        (e) coordinate consulting services from Autodesk’s Production Assurance Program, if applicable.

        (f) assist You in formulating Support Requests, validating that a Support Request submitted as Severity 1 is indeed Severity 1, assigning Support-related roles, including designating Customer Escalation Managers, Named Callers, Support Users, Contract Managers and Software Coordinators, and will monitor the status of all Support Requests You submit;

        (g) facilitate periodic communication between You and Autodesk product development teams with respect to Covered Services or Covered Software covered by Enterprise Priority Support Benefits. Note that prior to communicating information related to product roadmaps and similar information, Autodesk may require that You first execute an appropriate non-disclosure agreement;

        (h) Coordinate annual Executive Briefings to educate Customer on Autodesk solutions, general product plans, and to provide Customer opportunity to share requirements with Autodesk;

        (i) Provide reporting so that Customer can analyze product usage data to identify anomalies and trends (and to establish priorities);

        (j) Provide a conduit for Customer Communication Program, including sharing of Customer success stories.

        (ii) CSM Availability; Acquiring Additional CSMs

The CSM is a designated resource, but not a dedicated resource. A CSM serves multiple customers. Generally Your CSM will be available during the applicable Local Business Hours, excluding weekends, regional Autodesk holidays and other non-work days, for the Autodesk offices where the CSM is based, subject to the CSM’s other duties. By mutual arrangement, Your CSM periodically may be available at different times. In addition to Your primary CSM, you may elect to purchase one or more additional secondary CSMs whether based in a location other than the location in which the primary CSM is based or to expand availability of CSM-provided benefits to additional Customer Success Plan initiatives not covered by your Primary CSM.

        (iii) CSM Methods and Tools

In fulfilling the CSM’s role, the CSM may when he or she deems it appropriate or necessary to facilitate Autodesk’s performance of its obligations under this Agreement, recommend and offer to provide You with additional services or benefits. Such additional services or benefits may include, but are not limited to performance of an operational assessment, delivery of a Healthcheck consulting service and/or enrollment in Autodesk Developer’s Network (“ADN”). If Your CSM does recommend such additional services, they will be provided to you at no additional charge, but shall be limited in scope and duration as determined by Autodesk. Delivery of such additional services is conditioned on your acceptance of any Autodesk terms and conditions governing such additional services.

B. Designated Support Specialist:

You are entitled to assignment of a DSS to Your account. The assigned DSS will be a senior Autodesk technical support specialist, and will become familiar with Your environment, principal Autodesk Covered Service or Covered Software products, as applicable, (Your “Principal Product(s)”), and Your primary uses for such Principal Products.

(i) Role of DSS

The DSS’s role is assist with key Support Requests for technical support related to Your Principal Product(s). The DSS will engage as appropriate (in Autodesk’s discretion) to facilitate Autodesk’s attainment of support-related targets and deliverables. Examples of services the DSS may render include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) monitor Your Support Requests on a regular basis;

(b) become familiar with Your environment and use of Your Principal Product(s);

(c) interface with the product development team in connection with escalated Support Requests;

(d) enhance the depth, substance and completeness of support-related updates and case communications;

(e) provide trainings to customer personnel with respect to best practices and improved workflows for Principal Product(s);

(f) provide recommendations to help You improve Your workflows and data compatibility, and assist You with developing a back-up and archive strategy for Your Principal Product(s);

(g) research, analyze and provide suggestions based on error report and similar usage data for Your Principal Product(s).

(ii) DSS Availability

The DSS will monitor Your pending Support Requests on an ongoing basis; however, the DSS will engage to assist with a particular support request in appropriate cases in Autodesk’s discretion and subject to availability.

C. Beta Software Access:

From time to time Autodesk may conduct evaluations of new pre-release versions of a Covered Service or Covered Software. As an Enterprise Priority Support customer You may be invited to participate in such evaluations related to new releases of the Covered Services or Covered Software under Enterprise Priority Support, subject to Your assent to such terms and conditions as Autodesk may provide for such evaluations. Your CSM will alert You to upcoming pre-release evaluation opportunities and assist You in registering to participate.

D. Account Level Entitlement:

Enterprise Priority Support is an account-level entitlement. Each Autodesk product license, product Subscription or similar entitlement that You own for which Enterprise Priority Support is available from Autodesk will receive the Enterprise Priority level of support and related benefits.



Autodesk Business Region

Support Local Business Hours by Autodesk Business Region

Asia-Pacific Region

9am to 5pm Monday through Friday SGT (UTC +8), excluding Holidays

Americas Region

9am to 8pm Monday through Friday EST/EDT (UTC -5/UTC -4), excluding Holidays

EMEA Region

9am to 5pm Monday through Friday, CET/CEST (UTC +1/UTC +2)excluding Holidays

Note: For Support Requests in relation to certain Covered Services, the applicable Local Business Hours shall be those shown for the Americas Region, irrespective of where the Support Request originates geogrpahically. Those Support Requests in relation to Covered Services subject exclusively to the Americas Region Local Business Hours are:

AutoCAD 360

Energy Analysis for Revit

Green Building Studio

Structural Analysis for Revit

Autodesk PLM 360

Configurator 360

Mockup 360

Optimization for Inventor

Process Analysis 360


Autodesk Business Region

Applicable Workweek by Autodesk Business Region

Asia-Pacific Region

Monday through Friday SGT (UTC +8), excluding Holidays

Americas Region

Monday through Friday, EST/EDT (UTC -5/UTC -4), excluding Holidays

EMEA Region

Monday through Friday, CET/CEST (UTC +1/UTC +2), excluding Holidays