Autodesk Participant Guidelines

Conduct guidelines for participants in certain Autodesk online communities and programs.

At Autodesk, we make software for people who make things. We also create programs, platforms, and communities to help empower people with the power to make anything.  These Autodesk Participant Guidelines apply to everyone who participates in an Autodesk-branded or Autodesk-sponsored program, platform or community that incorporates these Guidelines by reference (each, an “Autodesk Environment”).

We know: reading “Guidelines” might sound boring, but please do take a minute to read and understand them – they’re important.  And check back often, because the world is changing and these Guidelines will evolve too – we reserve the right to change them from time to time.    

What are the Guidelines?

  • Be Nice.  Be respectful of others – like your mom is watching.  Don’t be (or contribute or share content that is) malicious, obscene, intimidating, harassing, or bullying. 
  • Keep it Legal.   Don’t violate (or contribute or share content that violates) the laws of your country, state, province, or city (yes, we mean all the laws that apply to you – this includes laws governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, anti-discrimination, and intellectual property). 
  • Tell the Truth.  Don’t post or share things that you know (or suspect) aren’t accurate.
  • Don’t Take Stuff That Isn’t Yours.  We care about authors, artists, creators, inventors, and makers here.  Don’t infringe copyrights, trademarks, or any other intellectual property right of others.  Give credit where credit is due; where appropriate, reference sources of information and content you share, cite them accurately, and obtain any necessary permissions. 
  • Lock it Up.  Don’t disclose confidential information that you don’t have the right to disclose.  Keep your personal information (such as name, phone number, address, password) private, and don’t ask anyone else to reveal personal information. 
  • Own it.  You–and not Autodesk–are solely responsible for all your activities and the content you contribute or share in any Autodesk Environment.  Autodesk is not responsible for the results of activities of other participation in any Autodesk Environment (including any content they may have contributed or shared). 
  • The Rules Still Apply.  In addition to these Guidelines, your activity in Autodesk Environments.  is governed by the applicable terms of use and the Autodesk Privacy Statement. You might also be a party to other agreements with Autodesk – those agreements still apply.

What Happens if You Don’t Follow these Guidelines?

In short:  you might get voted off the island.  What does that mean?  It means Autodesk reserves the right (but have no obligation) to terminate your participation in (and/or block your access to) the relevant Autodesk Environment if you violate these Guidelines – in letter or in spirit.  We also reserve the right (but have no obligation) to remove from any Autodesk Environment any content or submission that violates these Guidelines – again, in our own judgement and whether the violation is in letter, or in spirit.