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Efficiently create, modify, and document electrical controls systems with an industry-specific toolset for electrical design.
Student or educator? Get it for free (US Site)
In this study, the Electrical toolset boosted productivity by 95%,* bringing dramatic time savings to common AutoCAD® electrical design tasks.
*As with all performance tests, results may vary based on machine, operating system, filters, and even source material.
Martz Technologies switched from AutoCAD LT to AutoCAD and the Electrical toolset for greater efficiency and additional features.
Image courtesy of Martz Technologies
MartinCSI relies on AutoCAD and the Electrical toolset for industrial manufacturing projects—including an ice cream sandwich filler machine.
Image courtesy of MartinCSI
Ever wonder how processed food gets packaged or how beer gets into bottles? Can Lines Engineering makes conveyor lines that get the job done quicker.