Autodesk ReCap Pro: Turn the physical into digital

Reality capture and 3D scanning software


  1. Subscription
  2. Flex


Savings of 32% compared to monthly price
3 year
Pay annually
1 month
A$65/month for 1 user(Excludes GST)

Credit and debit cards, PayPal, financing and direct debit (ACH) accepted.

ReCap Pro cost: 1 token/day
100 tokens
100 days over 1 year
500 tokens
500 days over 1 year
Estimate tokens
A$425(Excludes GST)

Tokens expire 1 year from date of purchase. Not all products and features are available with Flex. Learn more

Credit and debit cards, PayPal, financing and direct debit (ACH) accepted.

Why use ReCap Pro?

Reduce errors and build with confidence

Gain critical insights that help you make better decisions.

Work with rich and accurate digital models

Capture existing conditions throughout the full project lifecycle.

Support for BIM processes

Streamline workflows by integrating with design tools.

What you can do with ReCap Pro

Enhance insights with reality capture data

Use laser scans and photographs to generate accurate intelligent models that support a wide range of use cases in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC).

3D scanning for intelligent model creation (video: 1:58 min.)

Quickly generate survey-grade 3D models

Use ReCap Photo, a service of ReCap Pro, to generate geo-located textured meshes, point clouds and ortho-photos of existing conditions from drone or UAV-captured data.

Photo processing in ReCap Pro (video: 1:59 min.)

Visualise point clouds in the cloud

Manage and visualise point clouds in the cloud

Easily, store, search and share reality capture data anytime, anywhere with the Autodesk Construction Cloud.

Autodesk ReCap Pro resources


See what’s new webinar

Improve your reality capture workflow and reduce design time.



See what’s new in ReCap Pro

See how you can streamline your reality capture workflows.



What’s next for ReCap Pro

See what’s new in the product development pipeline with a live look at the Civil Infrastructure public roadmap.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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Save when you buy ReCap Pro bundled in a collection

Compared with purchasing each product separately.

Utilise ReCap Pro with Autodesk design tools such as Civil 3D, Revit and InfraWorks to transform existing conditions of your projects into real-world digital representations.