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Autodesk Community

The Autodesk Community is a global network of connected customers, partners and employees who learn from each other, develop professional practice, and drive innovation in their respective industries. Autodesk Community programs help anyone connect, solve problems, share expertise and realize business value.


Join the Community

Getting started in the forums

First time here? Welcome in! Review these FAQ's to get started on the Forums, view best practices, and learn how to make your first post.

Value of the community

Learn about why the Community is a valuable place to be. Millions of customers have gotten support, answers, and more.


Join our product specific groups for answers to technical questions; support, how-to’s and advice.

Social media

Stay connected with Autodesk on all available social platforms. Stay up-to-date with recent product information, news, and events.

Join a user group

Find user groups, developer groups, and online groups to learn, build relationships, and share your knowledge.

Autodesk University

Visit the AU website for community and on-demand sessions taught by your peers and leading Autodesk experts.


Industry Communities

Architecture, Engineering & Construction

Participate in industry-related discussions and share best practices with your fellow Engineers, Architects, and Designers.

Design and Manufacturing

Participate in industry-related discussions and share best practices with your fellow Engineers, Architects, and Designers.

Media and Entertainment

Participate in industry-related discussions and share best practices with your fellow Engineers, Architects, and Designers.